A Living Text.

  • Icons: cutting out the church

    In her book The Formation of Christendom, Judith Herrin writes: It was in their role as intercessors between man and God that the icons commanded particular devotion. Numerous legends of women, whose inability to conceive a child (or sometimes, more particularly, a son) was removed by prayers directed to icons, reflect an anxiety common to…

  • Icons: Jupiter to Christ

    Thomas F. Mathews says that Christian icons “…grew out of a strong tradition of pagan panel paintings of the ancient gods…” (p. 179) Mathews points to some glaring examples of this transfer from paganism to eastern Christianity. …a fresco painted directly on a house wall in Karanis to serve as a permanent icon shows the…

  • What Hemingway said to read

    Arnold Samuelson was a young man who met Hemingway and ended up working on his boat for a year. Hemingway told him to read these books in order to be a writer: “Here’s a list of books any writer should have read as a part of his education,” he said, handing me the following list:Stephen…

  • NASFAT Nigeria

    Matthew McNaught describes a Nigerian Islamic movement that imitates African Pentecostal Christianity: NASFAT targeted the professional class and those aspiring towards it, founding a university, running networking groups, and offering management courses presenting the Prophet Muhammad as an exemplary businessman. The movement encouraged the participation of women, some of whom ascended to leadership roles. NASFAT-linked…

  • Jay Greener in the Anglican Union

    Former AMiA and C4SO priest Jay Greener who was investigated and resigned in 2022 has now emerged in the odd Kevin Donlon led group “the Anglican Union.” The Anglican Union split from what is left of AMiA for reasons unknown. When he resigned, the public statement from C4SO said: Because he is canonically resident in…

  • The Jesus Movement of the 60’s and 70’s

    People are talking about the Jesus Movement a lot again lately. It is a subject that endlessly fascinates me as I grew up on the tail end of it as a kid. My memories of it are just hazy, but still it was something of the water that we swam in back then. Keith Green…

  • Is Fame Good?

    Is fame ever good for anyone? Or does it ultimately poison and destroy anyone who achieves it? Fame meaning not just Hollywood, Nashville, or Broadway, but being the famous professor who shakes up the field, the pastor who has a huge church and influence, or the politician who makes a mark. In his book The…

  • Ignatius on the Judaizers

    The New Perspective on Paul has stressed the nature of the conflict between the Judaizers who insisted on the Sinatic definition of Israel and Paul and others who stressed the Abrahamic (by faith) nature of Israel. I thought the following extracts from Ignatius also shed some light on this conflict in the early church: The…

  • The Wyatt Prayer Book

    The Wyatt Prayer Book contains ten prayers of uncertain origin. You can read an article about the possible ties of Anne Boleyn to the book here. I formatted the text you will see in the PDF. The translator was Olivia Peyton.

  • Pia Desideria

    A few quotes from this book by Jacob Philipp Spener: …the study of theology should be carried on not by the strife of disputations but rather by the practice of piety. (Dr. David Chytraeus) “Beware! Satan has the intention of detaining you with unnecessary things and thus keeping you from those which are necessary. Once…