Month: April 2015

  • Archbishop Rwaje on the East African Revival and the 1994 Genocide

    In the course of responding to questions about the East African Revival at GAFCON’s 2013 meeting in Nairobi, the Archbishop of Rwanda, Onesphore Rwaje talked about the relationship of the revival to the 1994 genocide.1 He says: …and I don’t know whether it is one of the questions you would like to ask me, let…

  • The Doctrinal Foundations of ACNA

    Although the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) released a catechism, the catechism itself carries no doctrinal weight on its own (as far as I know). It is only useful as an explication of the doctrinal standards that are enshrined in ACNA’s Constitution. In the future, when there are doctrinal conflicts in ACNA, I envision…