A Living Text.
The Reformation was About Idolatry
Peter Leithart wrote a post about the centrality of idolatry to the Reformation. I strongly concur with what he says, and I think his point is largely lost in modern Protestant polemics. The emphasis usually is placed on justification, when idolatry was every bit as large a concern, and I believe that you see more…
Theological Reflections on the Charismatic Movement by J.I. Packer
In 1980, J.I. Packer wrote a series of articles for Churchman about the charismatic movement. His conclusions were wise, and they follow below. Some conclusions are now in order. 1) The common charismatic theology of Spirit-baptism (common, at least, in the world-wide movement as a whole, if not in particular segments of it in Britain…
Omissions from the Book of Common Prayer
Someone pointed out some alterations to the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) that made it depart from the tradition of the Church in what seems like inexplicable ways. This was news to me, but when I looked into it, I found it to be true. The changes noted are: [1] The text of the Sanctus…
The Golden Calf
Israel and Judah worshiped Yaweh in a compromised way that included the worship of deity via statues. This is what happened when Aaron first instituted the golden calf to worship Yaweh – note that Israel was not worshiping other gods, they were worshiping the one true God via a statue. John Sailhamer offers the following…
I am continuing to read through Dr. John Maiden’s paper Renewing the Body of Christ: Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA) USA and Transnational Charismatic Anglicanism, 1978-1998. He writes: After the decision to establish SOMA USA in 1985, the American national body maintained close links with SOMA International but was also able to operate unilaterally, with…
Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA) USA
Dr. John Maiden traces the history of SOMA in a paper titled Renewing the Body of Christ: Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA) USA and Transnational Charismatic Anglicanism, 1978-1998. He writes: In April 1985 leaders of the Episcopal charismatic renewal movement gathered in the flagship charismatic evangelical Truro Church in Fairfax, Virginia to discuss the formation…
VI.6 AMiA Collapse
According to Thad Barnum, Chuck Murphy had decided that the AMiA should leave Rwanda and had met with retired Archbishops about the future of AMiA outside of Rwanda. Now he returned to Rwanda for the September 2011 House of Bishops (HOB) meeting along with Kevin Donlon and Susan Grayson, his Chief of Staff. If the…
What is scholarship?
Carl Mosser’s definition: Scholarship is the product of a certain kind of activity. This activity can be done poorly or well, with varying degrees of precision and exhaustiveness, and by minds of varying cognitive abilities. This results in qualitative differences in scholarship so that one can speak in terms of a continuum of bad, mediocre,…
VI.5 AMiA Collapse
Bishop Barnum says that in the mid-summer of 2011, “…our Chairman met in London with AMIA’s retired and founding archbishops (It was Archbishops Kolini, Yong, and Tay). It was here, as I understand it, that the concept of a new AMIA Missionary Society took shape out of a perceived concern that AMIA was suddenly vulnerable…
VI.4 AMiA Collapse
Years after the events of 2011, Bishop John Rodgers summarized how the AMiA viewed the change in their oversight from Rwanda when Archbishop Kolini was replaced by Archbishop Rwaje: “They wanted literally to manage us, whereas we thought of them as giving us cover.” The June 2011 meeting of Rwanda’s House of Bishops is where…