A Living Text.

  • Arthur Bloomfield & Bad Exegesis

    I grew up in a church that was enamored with many things that I now find to be less that sound doctrinally – Finney’s sinless perfection for one. One thing that made a huge impact on my thinking was the dispensational thinking of a particular strand unique to my church. The source of much of…

  • John Lennon on Led Zeppelin

    For the longest time I have looked in vain to see any of the Beatles comment on Led Zeppelin. I just couldn’t find any- thing on what John, Paul, George or Ringo thought of Led Zep. And to me, the torch passed from the Beatles to Zep in terms of world-dominating groups that mattered. So…

  • The Good Life

    I’ve quoted the definition of the good life here before; it is: “happiness,” or the good life, which is to be attained in a community of family and friends who can satisfy one another’s material and social needs, behave justly toward one another, and, according to their capacity, contemplate the Good. I am reading Till…

  • Rich, Divorced, ‘Christian’ Pastors

    I’ve watched Paula White on TV for sometime now. One of my hobbies is watching stations like TBN and offering a constant verbal criticism of what the people on-screen are saying or doing. Paula White is particularly entertaining. She is able to talk without breathing for long stretches at a time. She is a “pastor.”…

  • The Need for Enemies and the Federal Vision

    In America, we had the Nazis and the Japanese to fight, before that I suppose it was the slaveholders vs. the abolitionists, and Whigs vs. Democrats, etc. After WW II ended, we moved on to Communism. The entire nation, and much of the church, defined itself by being anti-communist. There was an evil enemy our…

  • Pascal on the Holy Spirit

    Blaise Pascal and the Baptism of the Spirit (have any of us ever had anything like this happen?: When he was 31 years old, less than eight years before his death, Pascal had an overwhelming experience of the presence of God.He apparently made hasty notes, during the vision or immediately afterwards, so that he might…

  • Benedict XVI on Guilt

    Benedict XVI says that the loss of the sense of sin in modern society has been followed by an increase in guilt complexes.The Pope explained that this link shows the human being’s need for God’s forgiveness, which takes place through the sacrament of confession.The Holy Father said this today when in an audience with recently…

  • The One Another’s

    Be at peace with each other – Mark 9.50Love one another – John 13.34Be joined to one another – Romans 12.5Be devoted to one another – Romans 12.10Honor one another – Romans 12.15Rejoice with one another – Romans 12.15Weep with one another – Romans 12.15Live in harmony with one another – Romans 12.16Accept one another…

  • Epistemology and Scott Hahn

    Scott Hahn is a Roman Catholic who converted from Presbyterianism. To Reformed folks, he is an infamous defector. He was a devout and zealous Calvinist, who gradually lost his faith in the system. One of the final blows to his tottering Protestantism came in the form of a question that one of his students asked…

  • The Message of the Qu’ran

    I believe that the message of the Qu’ran to the believer is at its core one of the fear of hell. The Qu’ran is full of exhortations warning of hell fire for a range of sins. The Muslim can have no confidence that when he comes before the throne of God and has his deeds…