A Living Text.
The Actions of John Rucyahana in Rwanda
An article from The Wind of Change blog about Bishop John Rucyahana came to my attention. The article makes some very serious accusations about Bishop Rucyahana, which American Anglicans should take notice of. The original article is located here, and an English translation follows: The Ill Heart, Conspiracy, Plots, Disrepute and Shame of Bishop John…
Rwandan Archbishop Rwaje’s Ecumenical Letter to the UN
Background After the United Nations Group of Experts delivered its interim report on the crisis in the Eastern Congo in 2012 and prior to the issuance of the final report, the Government of Rwanda issued its usual attacks on the facts, methods and conclusions of the report. On November 6th, 2012, an “Ecumenical Letter” ostensibly…
Rucyahana Again Tied to M23
The latest interim report of the United Nations Group of Experts on the DRC has leaked online. The report shows dissension between two factions of M23, one led by Bosco Ntaganda and the other by Sultani Makenga. The Makenga faction was supported by Rwanda, while the Ntagada faction lost Rwanda’s support, and of course Bosco eventually…
Ligon Duncan Amongst the Miscreants
About a decade ago, Ligon Duncan attacked a swath of evangelicals who “fell” for the New Perspective on Paul. He said: Second, there are evangelicals who are social conservatives but who are bent on Christianity expressing itself societally. Among these are theonomists, reconstructionists, “ex-theonomists and reconstructionists” and other miscreants. It is amazing how quick they…
The Nine Ways of Participating in Another’s Sin
Historically, the Church has used the following set of nine ways that one can participate in another’s sins. I take this from the Summa Theologica: by command by counsel by consent by flattery by receiving by participation by silence by not preventing by not denouncing These nine items are a good test for our individual…
Theogene Rudasingwa on the Anglican Church of Rwanda
Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa served as the Secretary General of Rwanda’s ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), as Ambassador of Rwanda to the United States, and as President Paul Kagame’s Director of Cabinet (Chief of Staff). He has authored a book about Rwanda called Healing A Nation: A Testimony: Waging And Winning A Peaceful Revolution…
Bishop Nathan Gasatura: “Kagame honors the Lord”
On February 23, 2011 Rwandan Anglican Bishop Nathan Gasatura spoke during the chapel message at Wheaton College. During his message, he mentioned that he went to high school with Rwanda’s dictator, Paul Kagame: I have been in the presence of the Presidents, about four, in our region, and every time I ask the Lord, “Lord give…
Rucyahana and Bosco: The Bagogwe Connection
The Bagogwe If the West knows about ethnicity in Rwanda at all, it is in the familiar form of the Hutu and Tutsi. However, there are further sub-groups and clans within these broader configurations. One clan that features prominently in the story of Bishop John Rucyahana and his support for M23 is the Bagogwe clan.…
Gerald Gahima on the Rwandan Anglican Church
Gerald Gahima was “central to the rebuilding of Rwanda’s justice system in the aftermath of the 1994 genocide, first as the chief of staff to the Rwandan Minister of Justice from 1996-1999, and subsequently as the country’s Attorney General from 1999-2003.” He has just written a book called Transitional Justice in Rwanda: Accountability for Atrocity and was interviewed…
The 1994 Genocide from an Anglican Perspective
Roger W. Bowen has an essay called “Genocide in Rwanda 1994 – An Anglican Perspective” in the book “Genocide in Rwanda Complicity of the Churches.” Bowen served in Rwanda at the time leading up to the genocide as the representative “of the main Anglican mission society relating to the Anglican Church in Rwanda.” He traces…