A Living Text.

  • IV.1 AMiA Bishop Doug Weiss

    IV.1 AMiA Bishop Doug Weiss

    As I read through various Anglican books attempting to piece together a timeline of the realignment, I came to June 24, 2001, where four men were consecrated as bishops in Denver Colorado. Three of them I knew very well by name: Thad Barnum, Sandy Greene, and T.J. Johnston. The fourth I had never heard of:…

  • Hiding real life from ourselves

    Hiding real life from ourselves

    Karl Ove Knausgård writes about human life and how it is the same across time:  One thing I had learned when I was working at the first institution: life wasn’t modern. All the variants, all the deformities, all the freaks of nature, all the mental disabilities, all the insanity, all the injuries, all the illnesses,…

  • VI.3 AMiA Collapse

    VI.3 AMiA Collapse

    The questions that Bishop Alexis raised in his May 31st letter were numerous. He was asking for financial transparency, for accountability, and was emphasizing that this was in line with the old East African Revival slogan of “walking in the light.” The best-case scenario would have been poor bookkeeping, but what Bishop Alexis’ questions imply…

  • VI.2 AMiA Collapse

    VI.2 AMiA Collapse

    Events were heating up in the Spring of 2011. Rwandan Bishop Alexis Bilindabagabo was pushing for financial accountability, Jon Shuler was asking to be made a Rwandan bishop. Alexis pushed harder for some transparency, and a source close to him told me that “when Apb. Kolini left office he took all the office computers, not…

  • VI.1 AMiA Collapse

    VI.1 AMiA Collapse

    A new Archbishop was in place in Rwanda and shots had been fired internally about alleged missing money from the Kolini era. As I revisit these materials in 2025 there are a jumble of pieces to put together, but the next major event in the timeline seems to be the Rwandan House of Bishops meeting…

  • V. AMiA Collapse

    V. AMiA Collapse

    (Picking back up my Recent Anglican History series.) As with any series of events my perspective on the collapse of AMiA is limited. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is anyone else out there who is digging into the sources, interviewing people, and creating a cohesive narrative, so my limitations are all I have. And really,…

  • More Sexual Scandals Within ACNA

    More Sexual Scandals Within ACNA

    Paul to Titus: ..if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination.  For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but…

  • More Information on Frank Gough, ACNA Priest Arrested for Child Pornography

    More Information on Frank Gough, ACNA Priest Arrested for Child Pornography

    Gough appears to have authored the following biography: Fr. Frank has served since 2010 as the Rector, or Senior Pastor of Resurrection Anglican Church in Shalimar, Florida. He served as Vicar of Shepherd of the Hills Episcopal Church, Lecanto, Florida from 2000-2004, then as Rector of the Anglican Church of Our Redeemer, Hernando, Florida from…

  • ACNA Pastor Arrested for Child Pornography

    ACNA Pastor Arrested for Child Pornography

    According to news reports: A church leader in Shalimar has been arrested and charged with 30 counts of possession of child pornography, according to the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office. Frank Gough II, 64, was taken into custody Thursday morning after authorities executed a search warrant at his home on 8th Street. The sheriff’s office said…

  • Images in the Church of England

    Images in the Church of England

    A Historical Sketch A Text by Sir Robert Phillimore [Updated and edited] The following post is excerpted from a book published in the 19th century. In the book The Principal Ecclesiastical Judgments Delivered in the Court of Arches 1867 to 1875 by the Right Hon. Sir Robert Phillimore, D.C.L., there is an interesting case that reflects…