Author: admin

  • ACNA College of Bishops Meeting – January 2022

    As I write this post, there has been no press release from ACNA regarding the meeting last week. I find this odd, particularly in light of all the problems that exist right now. Canon Phil Ashey wrote an email summary of the meeting for the American Anglican Council, and I will paste that in here…

  • The Expositor’s Greek Testament

    The Expositor’s Greek Testament is one of my favorite commentaries. I picked up a volume at a used store many years ago and had it rebound. Even though I can’t read Greek, I can make out the words with other helps and read the commentary. Volume 4 is available online for free here.

  • Moby Dick as an anti-Leviticus

    My book club just read through Moby Dick, a fascinating novel that operates on many levels below the surface narrative of the hunt for a whale. James Jordan offers a unique take on the book which I wish someone would expand on and dig into further in an old newsletter. He writes: Ishmael is the…

  • The End this Isn’t

    Events like last Covid and reactions to it often spur on premillenial believers who think that things have never been this bad before and that the end is in sight. This is not new. James Moorhead mentions an encounter that Robert Willett had back in World War I: …he encountered an energetic man who explained…

  • Against the invocation of angels

    The Synod Of Laodicea In Phrygia Pacatiana Canon XXXV – Notes NOTES. Ancient Epitome Of Canon XXXV. Van Espen.

  • Another case of sexual misconduct in ACNA

    While talking to Bart Gingerich about sexual misconduct cases in ACNA he mentioned another case from the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin. A priest named Jesus Antonio Castañeda-Serna was accused of sexual misconduct and arrested on February 24th 2019. The Fresno chief of police said: The Diocese put out a statement that said: Disturbingly, Castañeda…

  • ACNA and sexual misconduct

    Yesterday the ACNA posted this press release: Although grievous, this is a good thing. It is good that the man was exposed and removed, although it was so late in life that it worries me to think that he was in the clergy and in leadership for many, many years while engaged in a massively…


    Just a reminder that The Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (GAFCON) and the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) are separate entities. If the average member of an ACNA parish knows anything about the global situation, he or she probably knows that ACNA is part of GAFCON. But last year the formal, organizational weight…

  • This is why you avoid tainted leaders

    Over a year ago I expressed my disappointment that Ravi Zacharias was being invited to speak at the ACNA Assembly; you can read the post here. Lo and behold, the now dead Zacharias is being exposed more and more. One of the worst things about his sexual sins is that they caused others to give…

  • A prayer in the time of plague

    IT had been the best for us, O most righteous Judge, and our most merciful father, that in our wealth and quietness, and in the midst of thy manifold benefits continually bestowed upon us most unworthy sinners, we had of love hearkened to thy voice, and turned unto thee our most loving and gracious father:…