Year: 2023

  • Lack of discernment at ACNA’s Provincial Assembly 2024

    Lack of discernment at ACNA’s Provincial Assembly 2024

    In the past I wrote about why it was a mistake to invite Ravi Zacharias and Archbishop Laurent Mbanda to the ACNA’s Provincial Assembly in 2019. The Zacharias mistake is now obvious for the world to see, although I am not aware of ACNA ever apologizing for what they did. Mbanda however has gone from…

  • Clerical scandals in the 19th century

    Clerical scandals in the 19th century

    We can be tempted to think that clergy behaving badly is a uniquely modern phenomenon, but it is nothing of the sort. Edmund Wilson’s fantastic book Patriotic Gore contains letters from Calvin Ellis Stowe to his wife Harriet Beecher Stowe on the subject of prominent scandals in his day. He wrote: “I have thought much…

  • Stewart Ruch and Joshua Moon

    Stewart Ruch and Joshua Moon

    The presentment against Stewart Ruch contains extremely troubling facts which bother me personally. They concern Joshua Moon, a man I knew as a fellow parishioner and acquaintance at Church of the Cross in Hopkins, Minnesota. I don’t remember when I first became aware of him, but early on in my time at Cross he started…

  • Rev. Dan Claire’s petition denied

    Rev. Dan Claire’s petition denied

    The ACNA’s Provincial Tribunal released a decision and order dismissing petition in the case of the Rev. Dan Claire, Church of the Resurrection, Washington D.C. Some background on the case appears at the following links: The decision itself presents the following facts: According to the papers filed by both parties and oral argument on September…

  • III. Reflecting on Jon Shuler

    III. Reflecting on Jon Shuler

    It seems like Jon Shuler is a really good guy with a great heart for what needs to be done. It must eat him up to see what ACNA has become. A denomination that gives lip service to evangelism but is really, among other things, just trying to recreate an orthodox, stable, mainline denomination in…

  • II. Jon Shuler and NAMS

    II. Jon Shuler and NAMS

    Before I continue my personal involvement with the fledgling AMiA I’ll back up and take a look at someone who I never heard about until the AMiA was in a five-alarm fire six or so years later—that is Jon Shuler. Why Shuler? Well, in many ways he was one of the forerunners of the AMiA…

  • I. Chance Encounters

    I. Chance Encounters

    I’m going to jump around in time a bit. We could start with Bishop Pike, the REC, the Continuum, or any number of avenues, but I will start in Idaho in 2003. I was part of an independent Reformed church that was trending towards Sovereign Grace Ministries as a place to land. The church was…

  • (Recent) Anglican history

    (Recent) Anglican history

    I would like to post a series of occasional bits and pieces of Anglican history since much of it is being lost to time. One part of this is my perspective on how the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA) collapsed—yes I know, it still exists—because I was on the periphery of that episode and I…

  • A presentment against ACNA Bishop Bill Atwood

    A presentment against ACNA Bishop Bill Atwood

    It has come to my attention that a presentment was filed against ACNA Bishop Bill Atwood that to my knowledge has never been publicly announced. The presentment was submitted in November 2022 and accuses the bishop of “…conduct giving just probable cause for scandal or offense, including the abuse of ecclesiastical power; willful disobedience of…

  • Sinkhole


    A poem from a friend, brought about by the crack investigators at Apostles Anglican Church in Knoxville.