The One Another’s

Be at peace with each other – Mark 9.50
Love one another – John 13.34
Be joined to one another – Romans 12.5
Be devoted to one another – Romans 12.10
Honor one another – Romans 12.15
Rejoice with one another – Romans 12.15
Weep with one another – Romans 12.15
Live in harmony with one another – Romans 12.16
Accept one another – Romans 15.17
Counsel one another – Romans 15.17
Greet one another – Romans 15.14
Agree with each other – I Cor. 1.10
Wait for one another – I Cor. 11.33
Care for one another – I Cor. 12.25
Serve one another – Gal. 5.13
Carry one another’s burdens – Gal 6.2
Be kind to one another – Ephesians 4.32
Forgive one another – Ephesians 4.32
Submit to one another – Ephesians 5.21
Bear with one another – Col. 3.13
Teach, admonish each other – Col. 3.16
Encourage one another – I Thess. 5.11
Build up one another – I Thess. 5.11
Spur one another on – Heb 10.24
Offer hospitality to one another – I Peter 4.9
Minister gifts to one another – I Peter 4.10
Be humble toward one another – I Peter 5.5
Confess your sins to one another – James 5.16
Pray for one another – James 5.16
Fellowship with one another – I John 1.7






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