Church of the Redeemer (St. Paul) Departs UMD

Yesterday I wrote about Restoration Anglican leaving the Upper Midwest Diocese (UMD), but they were not alone in doing so. Church of the Redeemer, pastored by Paul Calvin, also left, but for a different diocese. They are going to the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh (ADP) after investigating the Diocese of the Living Word. 

On June 7, 2023 Paul Calvin wrote his parish:

In the course of communication we have observed significant consensus in the congregation’s desire to transfer from UMD.  We have also heard broad agreement on the congregation’s desire to resolve the pastoral impediment that is created by the real or perceived conflict of interest between brothers, Archdeacon and Dean Christian Ruch and Bishop Stewart Ruch.  Establishing new episcopal pastoral oversight would be a benefit to my effectiveness as your rector and an opportunity to strengthen Church of the Redeemer’s local mission and focus.

We have also heard varied perspectives on the suitability of Anglican Diocese of the Living Word as our diocesan home.  In an effort to address questions and common concerns, I sought Bishop Stewart’s permission for the vestry and I to speak directly with Bishop Julian, which he granted about a week ago.

This past weekend the vestry and I had the opportunity to speak with Bishop Julian and then debrief together on Monday evening.  While we remain united in our appreciation for Bishop Julian’s servant leadership, we also unanimously agreed to close our consideration of ADLW and redirect our efforts to discerning our calling to a different diocese.

On July 19th the church voted on joining the ADP and received 80% approval. This week, the church leadership wrote about joining the ADP:

On Tuesday, Sept. 19, Deacon Dawn and Fr. Paul received formal confirmation of reception into the diocese.  Our other assisting and non-stipendiary clergy are continuing in the process of either transfer or licensure.

Before Church of the Redeemer can be received at ADP’s Convention on Nov. 4, her Standing Committee has requested that we amend our bylaws to conform with ADP’s Constitution and Canons (C&Cs).  These changes include revising our minimum number of vestry members up from four to five, recognizing the authority of ADP’s C&Cs, and adjusting titles like Senior Pastor, Dean, and Bishop’s Council to fit their use in ADP.  After reviewing the Standing Committee’s recommendations and consulting outside legal counsel, we, as a vestry, are supportive of the requested amendments.

As you can see above, the fact that Christian and Stewart Ruch serve within the same diocese is one of the problems that led to this transfer. 






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