Category: ACNA

  • IV. Realignment

    IV. Realignment

    (Continuing a series of posts on recent Anglican history.) At the dawn of the twenty-first century the Anglican Communion experienced a profound rupture over issues of fidelity to Scripture. National churches from “the Global South” ordained Americans as missionary bishops to the United States, touching off a new level of spiritual warfare that pitted church…

  • Who is Archbishop-elect Steve Wood?

    Who is Archbishop-elect Steve Wood?

    I know very little about Bishop Wood, but I know his blog Treading Grain and used to read it back in the day. He no longer uses it. From his blog I can tell that he is a reader who interacts with cultural changes and theology quite a bit. He had Ashley Null speak to…

  • The next ACNA Archbishop

    The next ACNA Archbishop

    Here are some candidates for the role that I have heard about or suspect. I am adding a few more in based on a helpful comment. Bishop Eric Menees Bishop of the Diocese of San Joaquin. Bishop Menees is bilingual, speaking Spanish as well as English. According to his biography: Following his ordination Bishop Menees…

  • Hard and Honest Work: The 2014 ACNA Conclave

    Hard and Honest Work: The 2014 ACNA Conclave

    Note: I am republishing this as we are about to have another Conclave. 7/19/24 Former Archbishop Duncan characterized the 2014 Conclave to elect his successor as “hard and honest work” and a variety of other participants offered similar characterizations. The conclave ended with a unanimous vote electing Bishop Foley Beach as the second Archbishop of…

  • Lack of discernment at ACNA’s Provincial Assembly 2024

    Lack of discernment at ACNA’s Provincial Assembly 2024

    In the past I wrote about why it was a mistake to invite Ravi Zacharias and Archbishop Laurent Mbanda to the ACNA’s Provincial Assembly in 2019. The Zacharias mistake is now obvious for the world to see, although I am not aware of ACNA ever apologizing for what they did. Mbanda however has gone from…

  • Stewart Ruch and Joshua Moon

    Stewart Ruch and Joshua Moon

    The presentment against Stewart Ruch contains extremely troubling facts which bother me personally. They concern Joshua Moon, a man I knew as a fellow parishioner and acquaintance at Church of the Cross in Hopkins, Minnesota. I don’t remember when I first became aware of him, but early on in my time at Cross he started…

  • A presentment against ACNA Bishop Bill Atwood

    A presentment against ACNA Bishop Bill Atwood

    It has come to my attention that a presentment was filed against ACNA Bishop Bill Atwood that to my knowledge has never been publicly announced. The presentment was submitted in November 2022 and accuses the bishop of “…conduct giving just probable cause for scandal or offense, including the abuse of ecclesiastical power; willful disobedience of…

  • Stewart Ruch and Nephtali Matta

    Stewart Ruch and Nephtali Matta

    Does the ACNA take violence against women seriously? I’m sure everyone in authority would say “of course” but we judge people by actions, not words. Nephtali Matta is a pastoral resident at Church of the Resurrection, Bishop Stewart Ruch’s church in Illinois. According to one of the presentments filed against Bishop Ruch: According to the…

  • Another update on Bishop Todd Atkinson

    A source familiar with the proceedings tells me that “…a bishop cannot “walk away” (resign his orders) during a Title IV process. The canons do not allow it, and that’s a feature not a bug. There was already an investigation and Atkinson’s case remains active before the Court for the Trial of a Bishop. Those…

  • Church of the Redeemer (St. Paul) Departs UMD

    Yesterday I wrote about Restoration Anglican leaving the Upper Midwest Diocese (UMD), but they were not alone in doing so. Church of the Redeemer, pastored by Paul Calvin, also left, but for a different diocese. They are going to the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh (ADP) after investigating the Diocese of the Living Word.  On June…