Category: history

  • II. Jon Shuler and NAMS

    II. Jon Shuler and NAMS

    Before I continue my personal involvement with the fledgling AMiA I’ll back up and take a look at someone who I never heard about until the AMiA was in a five-alarm fire six or so years later—that is Jon Shuler. Why Shuler? Well, in many ways he was one of the forerunners of the AMiA…

  • I. Chance Encounters

    I. Chance Encounters

    I’m going to jump around in time a bit. We could start with Bishop Pike, the REC, the Continuum, or any number of avenues, but I will start in Idaho in 2003. I was part of an independent Reformed church that was trending towards Sovereign Grace Ministries as a place to land. The church was…

  • (Recent) Anglican history

    (Recent) Anglican history

    I would like to post a series of occasional bits and pieces of Anglican history since much of it is being lost to time. One part of this is my perspective on how the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA) collapsed—yes I know, it still exists—because I was on the periphery of that episode and I…

  • The End of PEARUSA

    The End of PEARUSA

    Kevin Kallsen has done yeoman’s work in filming the recent PEARUSA Assembly and thereby shedding light on the official narrative of just how PEARUSA decided to end it’s jurisdictional connection to Rwanda. What follows below is a summary of the timeline for how this decision was reached, followed by a transcription of some of the remarks from…