Category: ACNA

  • ACNA College of Bishops Meeting – January 2022

    As I write this post, there has been no press release from ACNA regarding the meeting last week. I find this odd, particularly in light of all the problems that exist right now. Canon Phil Ashey wrote an email summary of the meeting for the American Anglican Council, and I will paste that in here…

  • The End of PEARUSA

    The End of PEARUSA

    Kevin Kallsen has done yeoman’s work in filming the recent PEARUSA Assembly and thereby shedding light on the official narrative of just how PEARUSA decided to end it’s jurisdictional connection to Rwanda. What follows below is a summary of the timeline for how this decision was reached, followed by a transcription of some of the remarks from…

  • ACNA: Who Will be the Next Archbishop?

    ACNA is about to choose its next Archbishop (Put more precisely, the ACNA College of Bishops is about to choose him). Since ACNA is tiny compared to the Roman Catholic Church, we do not have a plethora of websites like Whispers in the Loggia or papers like this one speculatng on whom the next Archbishop…