On November 25, 2024, Bishop Warner (DOMA, ACNA) wrote in part:
With regard to the Reverend John Yates, former rector of TFCA:
As stated previously, the Addendum concludes two things: 1. “No one in leadership was aware of Taylor’s abuse while he was employed.” 2. “There were a number of steps that Reverend Yates and the Church took that were laudable. And yet, as the Report also makes clear, the steps taken then, and in the years following, were simply not enough.” (Addendum p 23-24).
What is abundantly clear to me is that Reverend Yates has done much good in many areas of his ministry for the Kingdom of God and for the work of the Gospel. I regularly see evidence of this in the lives of people throughout our diocese and beyond. That Reverend Yates was the active force in removing Mr. Taylor from ministry is truly commendable and cannot be forgotten.
That said, in the matter of Mr. Taylor and Cornerstone there appears to be a blind spot (that the Report and verbal testimony in Listening Session 2 postulated as being related to the importance of church image and ministry success). If so, this blind spot contributed to the investigative inaction and resulted in further pain for the young men and their families damaged by Mr. Taylor’s grooming and abuse. Had a thorough and public investigation occurred earlier, and had outside counsel from his Bishops been sought, the potential for healing for individuals and the church could have begun sooner. It is my conviction that in making assessment of Reverend Yates’ role, we should neither diminish the good done to so many throughout his ministry, nor can we minimize the heartache experienced by the Cornerstone community arising from an inadequate pastoral response to trauma.
To that end I have issued a Godly Admonition to Reverend Yates. A Godly Admonition is a pastoral directive from a Bishop to a Priest that remains in effect until it is fulfilled by the Priest and then removed by the Bishop. It is meant to be reparative not punitive unless it is not followed; and then there are grounds for severe disciplinary actions. Normally the existence of a Godly Admonition is entirely private between a Bishop and a Priest. However, balancing the privacy of the clergy and the integrity of the Church, under this particular circumstance and for he sake of the victims, I’m taking the unusual stance of making known that this admonition has been given. While the details will remain private in order to maintain the integrity of Godly Admonitions for all clergy, its existence is hereby made known.
With regard to the Reverend Sam Ferguson, rector of TFCA:
I am pleased with the Reverend Sam Ferguson’s engagement in this complicated process that began before his tenure as rector. This is an inherited crisis that was mostly unseen and underestimated for years. Reverend Ferguson has experienced a level of system challenge and corporate anguish that few clergy ever experience. Along with his Wardens and Vestry, I believe he has sought to engage this complexity in hope of bringing restoration. Additionally, he has been responsive to my leading as his Bishop.
Unfortunately, when the crisis surfaced during his tenure in 2021, Reverend Ferguson did not actively respond to it through investigation or by seeking Bishop Guernsey’s counsel. This resulted in extra years of pain for the reporting family and others. To Reverend Ferguson’s credit, during the Listening Sessions he publicly acknowledged his shortcomings in this matter, citing his inexperience as a new Rector in 2021 and acknowledging his desire in that role to be “successful,” which overshadowed the imperative for action. It is rare in this day to encounter a leader who owns his shortcomings publicly through repentance rather than excuse. I was greatly heartened by his honest confession and believe God will use this going forward to shape him as a humble Priest.
I have also issued a Godly Admonition to Reverend Ferguson. As previously stated, a Godly Admonition is a pastoral rather than disciplinary directive from a Bishop to a Priest and is intended for constructive and formational reasons for the Priest. However, if not followed, an admonition can lead to severe discipline. While the existence of a Godly Admonition is entirely private between a Bishop and a Priest, balancing the privacy of the clergy and the integrity of the Church, under this particular circumstance and for the sake of the victims, I’m taking the unusual stance of making known that this admonition has been given. While the details will remain private in order to maintain the integrity of Godly Admonitions for all clergy; its existence is hereby made known.
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