Month: May 2013

  • The Nine Ways of Participating in Another’s Sin

    Historically, the Church has used the following set of nine ways that one can participate in another’s sins. I take this from the Summa Theologica: by command  by counsel  by consent  by flattery  by receiving  by participation  by silence by not preventing  by not denouncing These nine items are a good test for our individual…

  • Theogene Rudasingwa on the Anglican Church of Rwanda

    Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa served as the Secretary General of Rwanda’s ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), as Ambassador of Rwanda to the United States, and as President Paul Kagame’s Director of Cabinet (Chief of Staff). He has authored a book about Rwanda called Healing A Nation: A Testimony: Waging And Winning A Peaceful Revolution…