Rucyahana Again Tied to M23

The latest interim report of the United Nations Group of Experts on the DRC has leaked online. The report shows dissension between two factions of M23, one led by Bosco Ntaganda and the other by Sultani Makenga. The Makenga faction was supported by Rwanda, while the Ntagada faction lost Rwanda’s support, and of course Bosco eventually fled to the US embassy. Rwanda dismantled Ntaganda’s support network inside Rwanda, and it seems that Bishop John Rucyahana was a part of that network, because he was also sidelined. The report says:

A former Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) member, two former RDF officers and a politician loyal to Ntaganda, told the Group that Bishop John Rucyahana, a Ntaganda ally in Rwanda who recruited politicians and raised funds for M23, had to stop his collaboration. The Group has sought clarification from the Government of Rwanda on the matter and is awaiting a response.

Let the skeptical note that this is four witnesses to Rucyahana raising money and recruiting politicians for M23! And yet there is complete silence on the issue from PEAR USA, ACNA and GAFCON. Shameful.







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