Category: RCC
The Petrine Office
This is me thinking out loud. The prominence of Peter in the New Testament is striking, but it does not mean what the modern RCC says it means. So what does it mean? I’m not sure. The famous passage from Matthew 16 says: And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and…
The Convert’s Blindness
Writing in the New Yorker, Adam Gopnik says of G.K. Chesterton: In these books, Chesterton becomes a Pangloss of the parish; anything Roman is right. It is hard to credit that even a convinced Catholic can feel equally strongly about St. Francis’s intuitive mysticism and St. Thomas’s pedantic religiosity, as Chesterton seems to. His writing…
Benedict XVI on Guilt
The fundamental condition of man is loneliness. Pope Benedict had this to say about it: Benedict XVI says that the loss of the sense of sin in modern society has been followed by an increase in guilt complexes. The Pope explained that this link shows the human being’s need for God’s forgiveness, which takes place…
Epistemology and Scott Hahn
Scott Hahn is a Roman Catholic who converted from Presbyterianism. To Reformed folks, he is an infamous defector. He was a devout and zealous Calvinist, who gradually lost his faith in the system. One of the final blows to his tottering Protestantism came in the form of a question that one of his students asked…