Category: Charismata

  • Theological Reflections on the Charismatic Movement by J.I. Packer

    Theological Reflections on the Charismatic Movement by J.I. Packer

    In 1980, J.I. Packer wrote a series of articles for Churchman about the charismatic movement. His conclusions were wise, and they follow below. Some conclusions are now in order. 1) The common charismatic theology of Spirit-baptism (common, at least, in the world-wide movement as a whole, if not in particular segments of it in Britain…

  • The New Charismatics

    The New Charismatics

    I just finished reading The New Charismatics by Richard Quebedeaux. The book is a history of the charismatic movement up until about 1973. I learned a lot from the book and it’s a subject I wanted to know more about, since it involves my Mom and the trajectory she took quite a bit. Some random…

  • Pascal on the Holy Spirit

    Pascal on the Holy Spirit

    Blaise Pascal on the baptism of the Holy Spirit: When he was 31 years old, less than eight years before his death, Pascal had an overwhelming experience of the presence of God.He apparently made hasty notes, during the vision or immediately afterwards, so that he might al- ways have at hand a reminder of what…