Category: Anglican

  • V. AMiA Collapse

    V. AMiA Collapse

    (Picking back up my Recent Anglican History series.) As with any series of events my perspective on the collapse of AMiA is limited. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is anyone else out there who is digging into the sources, interviewing people, and creating a cohesive narrative, so my limitations are all I have. And really,…

  • More Sexual Scandals Within ACNA

    More Sexual Scandals Within ACNA

    Paul to Titus: ..if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination.  For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but…

  • More Information on Frank Gough, ACNA Priest Arrested for Child Pornography

    More Information on Frank Gough, ACNA Priest Arrested for Child Pornography

    Gough appears to have authored the following biography: Fr. Frank has served since 2010 as the Rector, or Senior Pastor of Resurrection Anglican Church in Shalimar, Florida. He served as Vicar of Shepherd of the Hills Episcopal Church, Lecanto, Florida from 2000-2004, then as Rector of the Anglican Church of Our Redeemer, Hernando, Florida from…

  • ACNA Pastor Arrested for Child Pornography

    ACNA Pastor Arrested for Child Pornography

    According to news reports: A church leader in Shalimar has been arrested and charged with 30 counts of possession of child pornography, according to the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office. Frank Gough II, 64, was taken into custody Thursday morning after authorities executed a search warrant at his home on 8th Street. The sheriff’s office said…

  • Bishop Christopher Warner issues Godly Admonitions to John Yates and Sam Ferguson

    Bishop Christopher Warner issues Godly Admonitions to John Yates and Sam Ferguson

    On November 25, 2024, Bishop Warner (DOMA, ACNA) wrote in part: With regard to the Reverend John Yates, former rector of TFCA:As stated previously, the Addendum concludes two things: 1. “No one in leadership was aware of Taylor’s abuse while he was employed.” 2. “There were a number of steps that Reverend Yates and the…

  • Bishop Steve Breedlove says his investigation led to a lack of justice 

    Bishop Steve Breedlove says his investigation led to a lack of justice 

    In an email to his diocese, Bishop Breedlove writes: To The Diocese of Christ our Hope: Greetings to you in Jesus Christ, Lord of the Church. Within the context of the celebration of All Saints Day, reflecting on the wonder of the Church on earth and in heaven, I am writing to offer a public apology…

  • Rwanda’s dictatorship shuts down churches with Mbanda covering for the regime

    Rwanda’s dictatorship shuts down churches with Mbanda covering for the regime

    Rwanda is a dictatorship that allows for no dissent from official narratives. This month, “the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) and other government agencies have closed over 5,600 places of worship, including 100 cave churches over failing to meet the legal requirements governing faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Rwanda.” What are these legal requirements? They include many items that…

  • IV. Realignment

    IV. Realignment

    (Continuing a series of posts on recent Anglican history.) At the dawn of the twenty-first century the Anglican Communion experienced a profound rupture over issues of fidelity to Scripture. National churches from “the Global South” ordained Americans as missionary bishops to the United States, touching off a new level of spiritual warfare that pitted church…

  • Bishop Menees on Jesus Antonio Castañeda-Serna

    Bishop Menees on Jesus Antonio Castañeda-Serna

    One of the most egregious cases of sexual misconduct that took place in ACNA is that of Jesus Antonio Castañeda-Serna. With that in mind, it is encouraging to read a letter that Bishop Menees presented to the court in his trial: April 12, 2024The Honorable Charles LeeSuperior Court of California,Fresno County – Department 33Your Honor,Thank…

  • Bishop Steve Wood: What is Reformation Anglicanism?

    Bishop Steve Wood: What is Reformation Anglicanism?

    Back in his blogging days, ACNA Archbishop-elect Steve Wood published this article in 2014: Perhaps the easiest way to describe Reformation Anglicanism is simply by defining the words. By “reformation,” we mean that expression of the Christian faith that arose in the 16th century, commonly called the Protestant Reformation, which sought to reform the church according to…