The fundamental condition of man is loneliness. Pope Benedict had this to say about it:
Benedict XVI says that the loss of the sense of sin in modern society has been followed by an increase in guilt complexes.
The Pope explained that this link shows the human being’s need for God’s forgiveness, which takes place through the sacrament of confession.
The Holy Father said this today when in an audience with recently ordained priests who are taking a course on the internal forum offered by the Apostolic Penitentiary. The internal forum deals with cases involving conscience.
The Pontiff said that in the modern world, one perceives “a humanity that would like to be self-sufficient, since many think they can live well without God.”
And yet, he observed, “how many seem to be sadly condemned to address tragic situations of existential emptiness, how much violence there is still on earth, how much loneliness weighs on the spirit of man of the age of communication!
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