Author: admin

  • The One Egg Charity

    I mentioned One Egg to a Rwandan I was speaking with one day. One Egg is a 501c3 organization that aims to provide children in Rwanda with eggs for their development. The individual I spoke with said: The “One Egg” program is a serious mockery and…I don’t even know [what] to call it…why stop people…

  • Taiga Meibun

    Writing about the thinking of a defeated Hirohito post World War II, David Bergamini says: Hirohito had always minimized the danger of democratic sentiments taking hold in Japan. He felt that the Anglo-American type of government was too individualistic to be compatible with Japanese society. In a democracy each voter needed a conscience of his…

  • John Rucyahana and Rose Kabuye

    This post provides another example of Bishop John Rucyahana’s close ties to the Kagame government, not that any more evidence is needed. A bit of background to set it up: Rose Kabuye was a fighter in the RPF invasion force that took over Rwanda before and during the genocide of 1994. She rose to be…

  • Examining Breedlove’s Defense of Rwandan Anglicans

    They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them. Proverbs 28.4 I was going to continue looking at the “Peace in the Great Lakes” effort launched last month in a new post, but instead I will tie that effort to the recent posts of PEARUSA Anglican Bishop…

  • Theological Tensions within GAFCON

    Andrew Atherstone attended GAFCON and wrote an insightful review of the conference (here) including this: Theological tensions were further exposed in a seminar on the complementary charisms of catholicism and evangelicalism by Gavin Ashenden (former chaplain of Sussex University, trained at both Oak Hill and Heythrop), an entertaining but provocative speaker whose comments demonstrated the…

  • GAFCON and the East African Revival

    This week, GAFCON speakers spoke of the East African Revival as an ideal for GAFCON to emulate. While the mass conversions it produced are an amazing testimony to its fruitfulness, we should also note some of its other aspects. Brian Stanley’s article on the East African Revival (from the Churchman magazine) says: In May 1936…

  • The Disintegration of The Catholic Church Of Rwanda, II

    Saskia Van Hoyweghen’s article The Disintegration of the Catholic Church of Rwanda gives us a window into the pre-genocide climate amongst Christians. She writes: Historically the Catholic Church in Rwanda developed into a prominent institution, of which the subsequent regimes have often been called mere extensions. As such the Church was, just like the state,…

  • The Disintegration of The Catholic Church Of Rwanda

    Writing in 1996, shortly after the genocide, Saskia Van Hoyweghen provides a portrait of the Catholic Church in Rwanda up until the genocide, and it is a portrait that is somewhat mirrored in the current Anglican Church of Rwanda. She says: Until 1988 Rwanda was one of the best performing countries in the region. Rwanda, ‘la…

  • The Reformation was About Idolatry

    Peter Leithart has a post up today about the centrality of idolatry to the Reformation. I strongly concur with what he says, and I think his point is largely lost in modern Protestant polemics. The emphasis usually is placed on justification, when idolatry was every bit as large a concern, and I believe that you…

  • Did Paul Kagame Just Admit Rucyahana’s Support for M23?

    The New York Times carries a long profile of Paul Kagame called “The Global Elite’s Favorite Strongman” this week. The article gets into quite a bit of Kagame’s dark side, without dismantling his entire facade. But what jumps out at me is this startling sentence: He acknowledged that some Rwandan churches have been sending money…