ACNA Bishop Todd Atkinson Gone?

The word is that Bishop Todd Atkinson walked away from the ACNA rather than face an investigation and trial. Where is the press release about this? Is it true?

Recall that Bishop Ruch was a primary backer for Atkinson and Via Apostolica to enter the ACNA, a move which was a disaster. It is another example of rushing to approve people who seem nice and can help with church growth (at least on paper). In 2020, a priest I know said of Via:

“…they are orthodox, humble, godly and trustworthy. A great addition to the ACNA, and nothing like the chicanery of AMiA from the 2010 era. They are trustworthy.”

Well, he was wrong, and so were many others.


Here is some news that Via sent out earlier this year:

As congregations in the Anglican Church in North America, each Via congregation has the freedom and canonical capacity to request a transfer to another jurisdiction within the ACNA. The clergy and local congregations of Via have been in discernment about what our future will be. At this time, all of our congregations have begun official steps of discernment for a new ecclesial home and episcopal oversight. These decisions are being made in relationship with one another, with input and insight from ACNA leadership and the help of Bishop Quigg. 

These decisions do not change the status of the trial forthcoming for Bishop Todd. The ACNA will continue to update everyone following that case when able and appropriate.  

As a Bishop’s Council, we are not making any decisions on behalf of Via Apostolica nor the local congregations. We have been tasked to help with the day-to-day operations and will continue to do so until we are no longer necessary. As we always have, we continue to trust in the leading, wisdom, and counsel of the Holy Spirit. To all following along here, we ask that you pray for all our clergy, lay leaders, and local congregations as we continue to move forward for the Glory of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  

The Bishop’s Council
Fr. Robert Steele, Fr. Stephen Barbour, Bill Alles






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