Month: February 2025

  • VI.6 AMiA Collapse

    VI.6 AMiA Collapse

    According to Thad Barnum, Chuck Murphy had decided that the AMiA should leave Rwanda and had met with retired Archbishops about the future of AMiA outside of Rwanda. Now he returned to Rwanda for the September 2011 House of Bishops (HOB) meeting along with Kevin Donlon and Susan Grayson, his Chief of Staff. If the…

  • What is scholarship?

    What is scholarship?

    Carl Mosser’s definition: Scholarship is the product of a certain kind of activity.  This activity can be done poorly or well, with varying degrees of precision and exhaustiveness, and by minds of varying cognitive abilities.  This results in qualitative differences in scholarship so that one can speak in terms of a continuum of bad, mediocre,…

  • VI.5 AMiA Collapse

    VI.5 AMiA Collapse

    Bishop Barnum says that in the mid-summer of 2011, “…our Chairman met in London with AMIA’s retired and founding archbishops (It was Archbishops Kolini, Yong, and Tay). It was here, as I understand it, that the concept of a new AMIA Missionary Society took shape out of a perceived concern that AMIA was suddenly vulnerable…

  • VI.4 AMiA Collapse

    VI.4 AMiA Collapse

    Years after the events of 2011, Bishop John Rodgers summarized how the AMiA viewed the change in their oversight from Rwanda when Archbishop Kolini was replaced by Archbishop Rwaje: “They wanted literally to manage us, whereas we thought of them as giving us cover.” The June 2011 meeting of Rwanda’s House of Bishops is where…

  • IV.1 AMiA Bishop Doug Weiss

    IV.1 AMiA Bishop Doug Weiss

    As I read through various Anglican books attempting to piece together a timeline of the realignment, I came to June 24, 2001, where four men were consecrated as bishops in Denver Colorado. Three of them I knew very well by name: Thad Barnum, Sandy Greene, and T.J. Johnston. The fourth I had never heard of:…